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  • Writer's picturesavannah

Downfall of MoviePass

I was definitely swept away by the excitement of MoviePass. It wasn't difficult to convince my husband to sign up with the idea of unlimited movies, either. We signed up mid-May and waited anxiously for the two weeks it supposedly took the company to mail the cards. After checking my mail impatiently for ten business days, my card finally showed up. My hubby and I went to the movies ASAP, to see Life of the Party (sidenote: great movie, go watch it).

We were so amped up about how easy it was to use MoviePass. It wasn't long until we went to see the newest Avengers movie with my dad and sister, all of us with our individual MoviePasses. However, by this time I had been randomly selected to be a beta tester for MoviePass. This *required* that I take a photo of my ticket stub after each movie purchase, or I would be suspended from my account. I believe the email told me I would never be allowed to subscribe again to their service if I failed to comply (how is that beta testing?) I wasn't even given an option, I HAD to do it or else. Hm...

Well, I did what they said, because obviously I wanted to keep my pass. Shortly after this, they added the rule that you could only see one movie a day, then the rule that you could only see the same movie once, peak pricing and other annoying "features." Although the media was loud and clear about how MoviePass was failing, we put our faith in the company hoping they would pull through. Unfortunately, they did not.

When my husband and I purchased our passes, we decided to surprise my dad for his 50th birthday by buying him one as well. My dad went ahead and bought one on his own right before his birthday and we didn't know, so my husband was paying for an account no one was using. We even used my dad's email, so it still baffles us to this day how he was able to sign up for a second account on the same email (maybe there is something about this we don't know - which is very possible). The three of us tried several different times to get ahold of MoviePass to get them to cancel the unused account, because my husband was being charged for it (we were afraid to just cancel it, in case it cancelled my dad's actual account he was using, especially since MoviePass threatens that if you cancel your account, you cannot use their services again for 9 months).

My husband and I cancelled our accounts mid-August. My husband was charged for three months of service that no one got. When we called MoviePass, we could not get ahold of a human being. When we emailed them, we got a response that they were "dealing with other issues" and to "try back at a later time." After this whole fiasco, we decided it was time to end our accounts (not to mention, peak pricing really ticked me off, even though they ended up getting rid of that anyway).

Anyway, all this to say... If you're an average movie-goer like I am, MoviePass probably isn't worth it to you. Maybe if you seriously, truly go and see every movie, it'll be worth it (now they offer the $9.95 a month price for 3 movies).

But, maybe it's also worth it to look into AMC's movie pass.


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